> Extra Curricular Activities

Extra Curricular Activities

St Luke's Science and Sports College provides many extra curricular activities to support all students in their education and to develop the opportunity to become 'fit to succeed'. Being 'fit to succeed' is a combination of recognising the importance of daily physical activity, eating healthily and drinking plenty of water. Through looking after their bodies students can truly exercise the potential of their mind and apply it within school and home life.

These pages give a list of activities running across all curriculum areas...all the students need to do is turn up at the right place, at the right time, join in and have fun!

Participation PasSPORT

Do you go to a club?

If you attend a before, during or after school club then you can start making your way towards receiving e-praise points.

Ask any member of PE staff to get your own Participation Passport today!

Learn more