> Year 7 Modern Foreign Languages curriculum

Modern Foreign Languages - Year 7

Course content

Students begin French or Spanish in year 7 as a main language and follow the other language as a subsidiary subject until year 9. The programme of study is divided into four areas of attainment: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. A bilingual dictionary is an absolute necessity for all students and the department offers the opportunity of purchasing one at a reduced rate during the students' first term here. We have access to a French speaking assistant in the department who helps in lessons.


Students study from the text book Mission Française. There are 5 units of the book and we aim to study two of these per term with the last unit being studied in the summer term. The book is supplemented with extra grammar and writing exercises and lots of audio-visual material. Homework is given once per week and consists of either a vocabulary list or a written exercise. Regular assessments are made every term and students will be grouped according to ability at the end of the Autumn term.


Students are working from Mira 1 express text book. The department has Mira 2 express books also which will form the basis of the students' programme of study in the following year. The books consist of six units which are covered over the three terms. Again homework is set once a week and consists of written or learning tasks.

Recommended book list and websites

Spanish: Mira 1 Express
French: Mission Française 1

Homework/coursework requirements

Homework is set once a week and consists of a written or learning task